KTM Singapore Ipoh Train

If you want to travel on the KTM Singapore Ipoh train, you will now have to take three services - a Shuttle from Woodlands to JB Sentral, a Shuttle to Gemas, then a fast ETS to Ipoh.

Train from Singapore to Ipoh

Please Note : All Intercity Trains on this route have been cancelled from May 2016 as the new ETS Trains take over from the slower diesel trains on most of the North - South Railway Line.

From this date you will now have to take a total of 3 trains

1) Take a 5 minute Shuttle train from Singapore to JB Sentral >

2) Take a Shuttle train from JB to Gemas >

3) Take a fast ETS train from Gemas to Ipoh >

You can book seats for all these trains online here >

To check the official KTM website for the latest timetables click here >

An alternative is to travel from Singapore to Ipoh by bus.

To find departure times and fares for buses between Ipoh and Singapore.

Train from Ipoh to Singapore

Please Note : All Intercity Trains on this route have been cancelled from May 2016.

From this date you will have to take three different trains:

1) A fast ETS train from Ipoh to Gemas >>

2) Connect to a Shuttle train from Gemas to Johor Bahru >>

3) Take a five minute Shuttle train to Woodlands Singapore >>

You can book seats for all these trains online here >

Book Bus Tickets Online >

Ticket Prices on the Singapore Ipoh Train

Tickets for these trains have to be bought separately and cost:

The Shuttle train between JB Sentral and Woodlands SG costs -

5 SGD from Singapore
5 RM from Johor Bahru

The Shuttle train between JB Sentral and Gemas costs -

Adult : 21 RM - Children : 15 RM

The Electric Train Service (ETS) between Gemas and Ipoh costs -

Adult : 59 RM - Children : 34 RM

It is important to pre-book your tickets well in advance of your departure date, as these services do tend to fill up quite quickly.

If you don't want to book online, just visit any of the main KTM train stations, where you can book any train tickets, on any of the KTM routes within Peninsular Malaysia.

From July 2015, all Intercity train now start their journey from and terminate at JB Sentral.

So, if you want to travel from Singapore to Ipoh by train, the first step is to cross the border into Malaysia.

You can do that by bus or by the new "Shuttle Trains" that now operate many times a day in either direction, between Woodlands Station in Singapore And JB Sentral Station in Malaysia.

The train takes just 5 minutes to cross over the Causeway.

Tickets cost RM 5 or SGD 5 (from Singapore).

If you want to travel on these Shuttle Trains we recommend you make an advance booking as they have become very popular with commuters and are often full.

Places to stay in Ipoh

Places to stay in Singapore

More Trains from Ipoh