KTM Komuter Butterworth Arau Train Schedule (Jadual) 2024

Travel on the KTM Komuter Butterworth Arau Train is quick and cheap and from February 2017 will be the only way to travel from Penang to Arau by train, as the ETS Electric Train Services will no longer be operating on this route.

The trip between Butterworth Penang and Arau in Perlis takes around one and a half hours.

Latest Butterworth to Arau Komuter Train Timetable (Jadual) 2024:

(Jadual terkini Butterworth ke Arau).

To see the latest train timetable for Komuter train from Butterworth to Arau, click on the timetable link below:

To see the commuter train timetable in the other direction from Arau to Butterworth click here >

KTM Komuter Butterworth Arau Ticket Fares / Ticket Prices (Tambang / Harga Tiket)

To see all the fares for Komuter trains to/from Butterworth click here >

For Komuter fares to/from Arau click here >

Buying Komuter Tickets

Tickets for all KTM Komuter Trains are sold on the day of travel and no advance booking is necessary or available.

Just turn up at the station and buy a ticket for the next service.

Seats are on a first come, first served basis, but as these trains originate from Butterworth, you have a very good chance of getting a seat (unless it is a very busy public holiday).

Arriving at Arau Railway Station

Many people use this train services to travel between Penang and Langkawi, as the Arau Railway Station is the closest train station to the ferry port of Kuala Perlis where you can take regular high-speed ferry boats over to Langkawi Island.

The easiest way to get from Arau train station to Kuala Perlis Jetty is to take a taxi (cost around 26 to 30 RM - distance 18 km).

If you are on a budget, you could either find someone to share the cost of a taxi (the best and quickest option), or take a rather long ride on the local bus from the train station to Kangar Bus Terminal (Bukit Lagi), then another bus from Kangar to Kuala Perlis Jetty.

For more information, routes and timetables for buses from Arau train station, please visit:

the Maraliner bus company website here >

For times and fares for the ferry from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi click here >

Butterworth KTM Komuter trains main page >

Arau KTM Komuter trains main page >

Arau train timetables main page >