Bus from KL to Butterworth Penang

If you want to catch a bus from KL to Butterworth in the state of Penang, there are many bus companies that operate on this popular bus route from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

Buses leave from a variety of bus stations in Kuala Lumpur city, with most buses departing from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS bus station), but also with some departures from Hentian Duta.

There are also many different bus companies to choose from who operate this route.

The most popular ones are :

Billion Stars Express, City Express, Eagle Express, KKKL Express, Konsortium Bas Ekspres, Maraliner, Pacific Express, Plusliner, Seasons Express, Sri Maju and Transnasional.

Buses to Butterworth usually start departing around 06:00 - 07:00 in the morning until an hour or so past midnight.

If you want a faster way to travel from KL to Butterworth, there are now fast Electric Train Services (ETS) that operate on this route from KL Sentral Railway Station to Butterworth Railway Station which is right next to the bus station.

Visit our ETS KL to Butterworth page here for times and ticket prices >

Ticket Prices for the Bus from KL to Butterworth

Fares for this route start at around 30 RM for the cheapest buses, but these buses may stop on-route at places like Ipoh - to about 40 RM for more luxurious direct buses.

For real time fares and departure times from KL to Butterworth or to book your bus tickets online:

Visit our online bus booking page here >

Buses from KL to Butterworth Jetty Bus Terminal (now called Penang Sentral) usually take between four and five hours and most will stop for a short toilet / refreshment break along the highway.

Once you arrive in Butterworth it is just a short walk to the Butterworh Ferry over to George Town on Penang Island.

The only thing you have to be aware of, is that if you want to catch the ferry over to Penang, make sure you leave yourselves plenty of time (for delays etc) before the last boat over to the island.

For operating hours, fares and general information about the ferry over to George Town click here >

If you want to stay on the mainland in Butterworth there are a few hotels within a 15 minutes walk of the bus terminal.

Click here to visit our Butterworth Hotels page >

For places to stay on Penang Island click here >

Related Pages:

How to get from KL to Penang >

How to get from KL to Georgetown >