Bukit Mertajam to Sungai Petani KTM Komuter Train Timetable (Jadual)

By far the easiest way to travel from Bukit Mertajam to Sungai Petani in Kedah is to take a KTMB Komuter (commuter) train.

These trains are cheap, regular and the quickest way to get from BM to SP.

The northern commuter train route in Malaysia (known as Komuter Utara) has two routes with Bukit Mertajam as the interchange station for both sections:

One route takes you to Sungai Petani on the way to the Thailand border station at Padang Besar.

The other route heads south into Perak state, terminating at Padang Rengas.

Bukit Mertajam to Sungai Petani KTM Commuter Train Schedule

Jadual Keretapi KTM Komuter Bukit Mertajam ke Sungai Petani

Latest BM to SP KTM Komuter schedule.

To see the latest train timetable from Bukit Mertajam railway station to Sungai Petani Railway Station please click on the following link:

The duration of the train journey from BM to Sg. Petani is only 23 minutes.

KTM Komuter BM to SP Ticket Prices / Fares (Harga Tiket / Tambang)

To see the latest train fares for the Bukit Mertajam to Sungai Petani Komuter services, please see the following pages:

Ticket price list for Komuter trains to/from Bukit Mertajam page >

Ticket price list for Komuter trains to/from Sungai Petani page >

Book Bus Tickets Online >

Buy KTM Train Tickets to Sungai Petani from BM

Beli Tiket Keretapi KTM ke Sungai Petani dari BM

As there are no seat reservations available on any KTM Komuter train services, tickets are only sold on the day of travel.

Just turn up at Bukit Mertajam Train Station and go to the ticket counter to purchase your tickets.

If you are travelling during the rush hour, you may want to give yourselves some extra time to make the train as the ticket counter may have queues at this time of day.

Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis and as all these trains originate in Butterworth, you may find you have to stand for part or all of the journey at busy periods.

Once you arrive at Sungai Petani station, you can walk into the centre of town in less than five minutes.

To get to the town centre you will have to turn right as you come out of the station entrance, then take the pedestrian bridge over the tracks (you will see the clock tower once you join the main road on the other side of the tacks).

If you want to stay in Sungai Petani click here to find the best accommodation >

Related pages:

Komuter Utara train timetables main page >

KTM / KTMB Bukit Mertajam train timetables >

KTM / KTMB Sungai Petani Komuter train timetables >

BM to Alor Setar >

BM to Arau >

BM to Padang Besar >