KTM Bukit Mertajam to Padang Besar Komuter Schedule, (Jadual) for Hatyai

If you want to travel from Bukit Mertajam to Hat Yai by train, you can take the KTM Bukit Mertajam to Padang Besar Komuter to the Thailand border, then take a shuttle service, taxi, minivan or bus to Hat Yai.

These cheap commuter trains have now replaced all the Electric Train Services (ETS) on the BM to Padang Besar route, with many more departures a day.

The duration of the journey from Bukit Mertajam to Padang Besar is one hour, 40 minutes.

Bukit Mertajam to Padang Besar KTM Komuter Schedule (Jadual)

Latest, new KTM Komuter schedule valid from 18th of February 2023.

To see the Komuter train timetable in the other direction from Pdg. Besar to Bukit Mertajam click here >

To see the Komuter fares from Bukit Mertajam click here >

To see the latest full train timetable from BM to Padang Besar click here >

Book Bus Tickets Online >

KTM Bukit Mertajam to Padang Besar Komuter Ticket Prices (Harga Tiket / Tambang)

Tickets on this route cost just RM 10.70 and are sold on the day of departure only from BM Railway Station ticket counter.

To see all Komuter train fares to / from Pdg. Besar click here >

Bukit Mertajam to Hat Yai by Train

If you want to continue your journey by train to Hat Yai, you can connect to one of two Shuttle train services that depart from Padang Besar Railway Station to Hat Yai Junction Railway Station.

To see the latest timetables and fare for these Shuttle services click here >

If you do not want to wait around for the Shuttle train, you can cross over the main border crossing at Pdg. Besar (located across a pedestrian bridge over the railway tracks) and take a taxi, minvan or local bus to Hat Yai.

For all travel options between the border and Hat Yai click here >

KTM trains to Padang Besar main page >

KTM trains to Bukit Mertajam main page >

Bukit Mertajam to Alor Setar >

Bukit Mertajam to Arau >

Bukit Mertajam to Sungai Petani >