KTM Komuter Butterworth Padang Besar Train Schedule (Jadual) Price 2024

There are now regular KTM Komuter Butterworth Padang Besar Trains departing in either direction every one to two hours.

If you want to travel between the Thailand border and Penang, this is the cheapest way to travel and the most convenient as now all the ETS trains are no longer operating on this route.

KTM Komuter Utara (northern commuter) trains between the Thailand border at Padang Besar and Butterworth stop at every station along the route.

There is no seat allocation and seats are arranged along the sides in one long row, like subway / tube trains.

Most of the time you will get a seat - no problem.

During very busy times, you may have to stand for part of the trip.

Please note, there are also no toilets on these commuter services.

Butterworth to Padang Besar Komuter Train Timetable (Jadual)

To see the latest Butterworth to Padang Besar KTM Komuter schedule click on the timetable link below:

If you want to see the timetable in the other direction from Padang Besar to Butterworth click here >

For the Butterworth Komuter train tickets prices click here >

For the Padang Besar Komuter ticket prices click here >

If you want to continue your journey into Thailand by train, you can take the International Express to Bangkok or a Shuttle train to Hat Yai.

There are only two Shuttle Trains from Padang Besar to Hat Yai a day.

Tickets cost 50 THB.

To see the latest timetable from Pdg. Besar to Hat Yai click here >

Another alternative is to cross over the main road border next to the station and take a local bus or minivan to Hat Yai bus station or the city centre.

KTM Komuter train from Butterworth to Padang Besar

Butterworth Railway Station, the ferry over to Penang Island (George Town) are just a few minutes walk apart.

For places to stay in Butterworth click here >

For places to stay in George Town click here >

KTM Komuter Butterworth Padang Besar Train Ticket Prices / Fares  (Harga Tiket / Tambang)

Fares for this trip will cost you 11.40 RM.

To see the full price list of Komuter fares to/from Butterworth click here >

For fares to/from Padang Besar click here >

Buying KTM Komuter Tickets

As Komuter Train tickets are only sold on the day of travel, you just turn up at the station and buy your tickets for the next departure.

No advance purchase is available.

Butterworth Komuter Trains main page >

Komuter Utara timetables main page >