Georgetown to Langkawi by Ferry, Bus, Train, Flight

If you want to find the best way to get from Georgetown to Langkawi Island, there are a choice of routes you can take to fit in with your budget and time you have available.

The Quickest Way to Travel from Georgetown Penang to Langkawi

The quickest way to get to Langkawi from Georgetown is also the most expensive way.

You can take a direct flight from Penang International Airport (PEN) to Langkawi International Airport (LGK).

Flights take just 35 minutes

For more information about flying to Langkawi from PEN click here >

Take a Direct Ferry from Georgetown to Langkawi

Coming down in price and the next quickest way to travel to Langkawi from Georgetown is to take the direct passenger ferry service from Georgetown to Kuah.

Boats depart from Georgetown's Swettenham Pier located in the northeast of the city (close to Fort Cornwallis) and arrive at Kuah Jetty on Langkawi Island.

Georgetown to Langkawi ferry at Swettenham PierGeorgetown to Langkawi ferry at Swettenham Pier

The boat journey from Georgetown to Kuah usually takes around two and three quarter hours, but you can expect a few delays when the weather is not so good.

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To learn more, see the latest timetables and ticket prices:

See our Penang to Langkawi Ferry page here >

The Cheapest Way to Get from Georgetown Penang to Langkawi

If you are travelling on a very tight budget, you can get to Langkawi for half the price of the direct ferry by heading over to the mainland and then travelling north by bus or train to the ports of Kuala Kedah (close to Alor Setar) or Kuala Perlis (close to Kangar and Arau).

The easiest and less complicated option is to head to Kuala Perlis.

Step by Step Guide from Georgetown to Kuala Perlis Jetty:

By Bus:

Take the ferry over to Butterworth (Penang Sentral) >

Take a bus from Penang Sentral to Kuala Perlis >

Walk for a couple of minutes to the ferry terminal.

Take a boat from Kuala Perlis Jetty to Kuah on Langkawi Island >

The main problem with taking this route is the bus is usually fully booked from Butterworth to K. Perlis so if you want to travel this way, book your bus seats in advance.

If you can't get a bus ticket to Kuala Perlis, get a bus to the nearby town of Kangar.

From Kangar you can then take a local cheap MyBas bus to Kuala Perlis Jetty.

By Train:

Take the ferry to Butterworth and walk for a couple of minutes to Butterworth Railway Station.

Take a cheap KTM Komuter train from Butterworth to Arau >

Take a taxi or local MyBas bus to Kuala Perlis Jetty >

MyBas buses depart from the bus stop just outside Arau Railway Station and go to Kangar Bus Terminal (Bukit Lagi) - from Kangar you will have to take another MyBas bus to Kuala Perlis.

For MyBas timetables, ticket prices and bus routes:

See the official MyBas route planner here >

Via Kuala Kedah

It is also possible to get from Georgetown to Langkawi via the port of Kuala Kedah.

There are however no direct buses from Penang to Kuala Kedah or a bus service from Alor Setar Train Station, so it is a bit more complicated travelling this route.

If you do want to consider travelling this way:

Please see our Penang to Langkawi page for further information here >

Driving / Car from Georgetown Penang to Langkawi

As there is no car ferry from Georgetown to Langkawi, you will have to drive back over the Penang Bridge (or take the Georgetown to Butterworth ferry) and head north to Kuala Perlis.

Kuala Perlis port is currently the only place where you can take your car with you on a ferry boat to Langkawi (Roll on, roll off ferry).

See our Car Ferry to Langkawi page here for more information >

Related pages:

All boats to Langkawi from Malaysia and Thailand >

How to get from Langkawi to Penang >

How to get from Penang to Koh Lipe Thailand >

Langkawi to Koh Lipe Ferry >

Penang to Langkawi Ferry Timetables and Fares >

Penang - Langkawi Ferry Booking >

Flying from PEN to LGK >